Release 4.44.43

Julian BischofBlog, Release Notes


What an amazing week! OpenHub names metasfresh as one of the hottest Open Source Projects. Thanks a lot to all Contributors, you are amazing!

Let’s see what was included in this weeks metasfresh stable release v 4.44.43.

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The 4.44.43 Release includes the following new features.

  • #553 Report Account Info adjustments. Add parms date range.

    Enhancing the Filter parms to allow variable daterange for selection.

  • #557 Report Saldenbilanz & Account Info native Excel Export

    Now Allowing an Excel Export though Report viewer process.

  • #558 Marginal return calculation - Accountings without c_activity_id

    Marginal Return now considers specific records without activity to be calculated on account specific one.

  • #568 Change on Report "Lieferschein" for one specific Customer

    Add properties File for Shipment Report.

  • #555 Businesspartner Location isEDI shall not be ticked by default

    Don’t set the Flag isEDI per default when recording new Businesspartner Loactions.

  • #548 keep M_QualityNote and M_AttributeValue in sync

    New Functionality to sync the M_QualityNote and M_AttributeValue for R_Request complaints usage.

  • #577 Button Request shows too many results

    Adjust the Filtering of Request Button in main menue and show Role Based counter.

  • #565 Report Revenue per Week and BPartner also show qty

    Add a new Quantity value in reports Revenue per week and week Businesspartner.

  • #416 Extended async notification features

    Prepare the notification features for WebUI exposure in metasfresh nextGen.


In this Release we fixed one minor Bug according attachment viewer and uploading large immages.

  • #578 Request Window Attachment Image too large in viewer

    Fixes a Bug that scales window too large after uplaoding a large image.


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