Release 4.45.44

Julian BischofBlog, Release Notes


Thanks a lot to all contributors! Again, another great effort that was tackeled for our weekly release of metasfresh ERP.

If you have any questions to this release, please don’t hesitate to ask in our new community forum:


The 4.45.44 Release includes the following new features.

  • #515 Generating C_Flatrate_Term from C_RfQ_Response then don't complete the term

    Adjust the completion process of Flatrate terms created manually. Now the flatrate term in not completed and can be manually adjusted by the user without reactivating.

  • #563 Report Statistics qty per Week

    New sales qty report that shows the sold product quanities per week and in comparison the last 11 weeks.

  • #579 Handling units without washing cycle shall be allowed in washing Manufacturing Order

    Adjustment of Handling Unit permissions in manufacturing order, initially filtering out HU with washing cycle set.

  • #597 Empties mask and functionality with autom. set the selected bpartner

    New functionality to add informations about Businsspartner, Location and Purchase Order Reference. This allows the to raise the efficiency when checking and creating purchase invoices via invoice candidates.

  • #576 Report Reclamation result, quality note and minor changes

    New reqirements implemented in reclamation report.

  • #539 Add missing FK constraints

    Add further missin Foreign Key constraints surfacing during Data Lifecycle Management implementation.

  • #567 WebUI - Material Receipt Schedule

    Add initial Screen Layout for Material receipt schedule in metasfresh WebUI.

  • #497 WebUI - ShipmentSchedule Window

    Add initial Screen Layout for Shipment Schedule in metasfresh WebUI.


In this Release we fixed a few minor Bugs. Below you can find the list of issues that were solved:

  • #589 console error when doing bpartner setup

    Fix a minor bug with jax-rs/ jms timeout in Business Partner setup workflow, which contantly popped up in console.

  • #553 Report Account Info adjustments. Add parms date range.

    Add the parms date range back into Account Info report in Jasper.

  • #611 IBAN Error for RBS Bank

    Add support for RBS Bank in metasfresh IBAN check when creating a new Businesspartner Bankaccount.


The metasfresh documentation project is evolving fast. A huge „Thank you!“ to all contributors!

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