Release 4.46.45

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes

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Our new release metasfresh 4.46.45 includes new features belonging to metasfresh WebUI few Fixes.
One of the highlights in this release is the integration of elasticsearch and kibana in metasfresh, to allow the creation of great user dashboards with awesome look & feel. Stay tuned, more to follow.

Thanks a lot to all contributors for reporting and making these awesome things happen.

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The 4.46.45 Release includes the following new Features for metasfresh nextGen User Interface.

  • #425 Kickstart elasticsearch integration

    Add the first prototype of elasticsearch integration in WebUI environment of metasfresh ERP. Data for elasticsearch index is created via metasfresh async framework.

  • #598 WebUI Dashboard initial Prototype definition

    Create a prototype dashboard in new metasfresh WebUI. Current prototype uses kibana for KPI and data visualization.


In Release 4.24.23 different minor Bugfixes were adressed. You can find the list of the issues that were solved:

  • #583 Reports without ad_org_id show wrong results

    Add support for multi organisation usage of selected 22 reports.

  • #104 FRESH-441 Notification bar in Material Receipt (POS) covers OK Button

    Fix the doubled sums in Marginal return report for specific accounting group.

  • #656 Bug in Import Format - Copy lines process

    Fix a minor Bug in Import format. Thanks a lot to nebergd for reporting this issue via forum.

  • #646 Fix support for groovy scripts

    Fix groovy Script support and extend fieldsize for script recording. Thanks a lot to homebeaver for reporting this issue via forum.


The metasfresh documentation project is evolving steadily. Thanks a lot to documentation contributors.

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    About the Author

    Mark Krake


    Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.