Release 4.47.46

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes

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metasfresh 4.47.46 includes a few new features and fixes as listed in below.

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The 4.47.46 Release includes the following new or adjusted Features.

  • #639 Marginal Return report calculation does not check ad_org_id

    Extend the marginal return report with ad_org_id parm to allow to seperate user for other organisations.

  • #585 Adjust the remaining Property names

    Change properties to metasfresh namespace.

  • #661 Cultivation Planning report adjustments

    Adjustments made to the cultivation planning report in procurement.

  • #515 Generating C_Flatrate_Term from C_RfQ_Response then don't complete the term

    Avoid automatic completion of flatrate term contracts when triffered manually from process gear. This allows the user to record further adjustments after creation.

  • #48 Add initial setup of kibana kpi for new webUI dashboard

    Setup an initial set of 10 key perfroamnce indicators for the new metasfresh webui.

  • #59 User friendly URL for Print Endpoint

    Add a user frindly/ comprehensive endpoint for document printing tab in webUI.

  • #45 Dashboard Target area backend support

    Add support for Target widgets and target widget area in webUI dashboard

  • #567 WebUI - Material Receipt Schedule

    Initial set of windows, grid views, sidelist and elements and fields for material receipt schedule window.


In the current Release a few minor Bugfixes were adressed. You can find the list of the issues that were solved:

  • #658 make Ini more robust: throw ex if file can't be read

    Fix error with long loading of ini file in Tomcat.

  • #664 R_Request Performance Issue

    Swap Table direct references against search in all R_Request table/ subtable fields to reduce current performance issues.

  • #674 Filter operator "between" broken

    Fix the operator „between“ which is used in filtering/ search criteria.

  • #67 Error when introducing parameters to report

    Fix parameters support for report usage in webui.

  • #70 Add BPLocation Error

    Fix Errors that prevented the creation of new Business Partner Location lines in webUI.


The metasfresh documentation project is moving. If you would like to check out something then take a look here:
A huge „Thank you!“ to all contributors!

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    About the Author

    Mark Krake


    Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.