Release 4.53.52

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes

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Thanks a lot to all contributors. The new metasfresh Release 4.53.52 is out now. And we made a great progress. We also want to welcome our new contributors. Thanks a lot for participating.

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This Release includes a few interesting new Features.

  • #800 Order by product name and partner name in pmm_PurchaseCandidates

    Added a new possibility to be able to sort combined search fields by a selected element in the combined Field, e.g. a field combined as Value + Name can now be sorted with Name, and not just Value + Name.

  • #829 receivedVia entry not translated in Baselanguage de_DE

    Add the Translation for receivedVia Field in current Baselanguage de_DE.

  • #810 Propagate Attribute from Issue to Receive in Production

    New Functionality to propagate selected Attributes vertically though a manufacturing process, from action issue to action receipt.

  • #835 Switch off Process Confirmation Window

    Switch off all process confirmation Windows per default. These can be switched on individually per Process where wanted.

  • #817 Request Window in WebUI

    Initial setup of Request Window in Web User Interface including default view, advanced edit, grid view and sidelist.

  • #831 Default Document Layout for WebUI

    Overhaul of the current general Document Layout for WebUI

  • #847 Shipment Schedule Window in WebUI

    Initial setup of the Shipment Schedule Window in Web User Interface.

  • #853 Shipment Schedule Window Subtabs in WebUI

    Add the Subtabs definition to Shipment Schedule Window in the new metasfresh Web User Interface, including Sidelist.

  • #855 Shipment Schedule Advanced Edit Mode

    Setup for the Advanced Edit Mode of Shipment Scheule in WebUI.

  • #108 Create Callout for DocNo in Request

    Adjustment/ Enhancement of the DocumentNo Generation in non Document datastrucures of WebUI


We have got rid of the following Bugs in this current Release.

  • #785 Make M_InOutLine.IsInvoiceCandidate Iscalculated

    Adjust the flag isInvoiceCandidate to be calculated for M_InoutLine records.

  • #808 DocActionBL.retrieveString method is broken

    Fixing the method that retrieves the Document Action Name.

  • #819 fix/refactor CalloutRequest

    Adopting the Callouts in Request window to also work in Web User Interface.

  • #806 Customs report minor fixes

    Minor adjustments and fixes in the Customs report.

  • #837 Marginal return accounts doubled

    Minor Bug Fix in marginal return report that doubled the sums on certain accounts.

  • #844 Gear from Pricing System and PriceList show wrong processes

    Fixing a Bug that leads into wrong representation of Processes in Gear of Pricing System and Priceliste Window.

  • #3 Add also as plugin repo

    Thanks a lot to @sramazzina for this contribution.


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About the Author

Mark Krake


Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.

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