Release 4.54.53

Julian BischofBlog, Release Notes

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Thanks a lot to all contributors. The new metasfresh Release 4.54.53 is out now. And we made a great progress. We also want to welcome our new contributors. Thanks a lot for participating.

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This Release includes a few interesting new Features.

  • #858 Adjustments for Shipment Schedule Grid View

    Minor changes on the Grid View for the Shipment Schedules Window.

  • #868 Weekly Revenue Report

    Create a weekly Revenue Report in Jasperreports. Similar to the montly report, just comparing different weeks instead months.

  • #827 use the barcode field to select HU using attribute value

    New feature to be able to scan barcode attrivutes attached to a Handling Unit fir precise identifying.

  • #198 Process with parameters cannot be started

    Fix a Bug in WebUI that did not allow the start of processes with parameters.

  • #205 Batch entry Dropdown for Handling Unit Missing in Workflow

    Add a Packing Unit dropdown in combined Product Field in Sales Orderline Batchentry.

  • #206 Deleting Batch entry product with "X" only deletes Product not Handling unit

    Now allowing to delete the whole content of the combined Product-Packing Unit Field.

  • #208 After New autofocus on first record field

    New UX Feature that automatically sets the focus onto the first recordable Field in Window when „New Record“

  • #213 Do not focus fields "in background" when in Expanded view

    Adjust the navigation behavior and sequence when using TAB jumping from field to field, now avoids that the focus gets „under“ the overlay panel.

  • #218 Reduce Gap Height between Layout Sections

    Refine UX. Reduced the height between Layout Sections to not have the feeling of having a too big gap between them.

  • #862 Payment Window in WebUI

    Include the payment Window in WebUI.

  • #873 Customer and Vendor Subtab in BPartner WebUI Window

    Include the Customer and Vendor Subtab in Business Partner Window.

  • #883 Sales Purchase Order Window Grid View

    Include the Grid View for the Sales and Purchase Order in WebUI.

  • #878 Purchase Order Window WebUI

    Include the Purchase Order Window in WebUI.


We have got rid of the following Bugs in this current Release.

  • #782 Focus on the first process parameter

    Fix to allow the first recordable Field having focus when opening a process paramater window.

  • #864 Adjust C_Country Location Print generation DE

    Adjust the Location capture Sequence for Germany.


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