Release 5.38

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes

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The migration of all windows and functionalities from Swing Client to WebUi is taking large steps. This weeks Release has again a large amount of issues solved that belong to this migration. Further on we have been moving forwards with the new manufacturing features and Material Disposition. Thanks a lot to all our Contributors for your tremendous effort.

Thanks all for your effort!
metasfresh 5.38 is now ready!

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We are looking forward to meet you!


We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.

  • Increase Performance by disabling statistics info

    Internal Housekeeping Issue, switching off the statistics creation in System Table. #937

  • New Window Board in WebUI

    New Window for Board Configuration in WebUI, allowing to configure new Kanban Boards and Card Layouts. #1767

  • New User Query Window on WebUI

    New Window in WebUI that allows the maintenance of User specific Filter criteria for Windows & Tabs. #1809

  • New Window for Attribute Search in WebUI

    New Window for Attribute Search in WebUI. #2177

  • Make BOMValidate process to work correctly in webui

    Improvement of the BOM Validation Action in WebUI. #2868

  • Drop allowconsolidateinvoice from database

    Removing column allowconsolidateinvoice thats not needed in Business Partner anymore. #2956

  • Copy of Drop allowconsolidateinvoice from database

    Removing column allowconsolidateinvoice thats not needed in Business Partner anymore. #2956

  • WebUI: New Window for Import BPartner

    New Window in WebUI for Import Businesspartner. #3027

  • Implement Clone/ Copy for Forecast Window WebUI

    New Copy Action for Forecast records. #3040

  • Forecast Window copy Field content from header to lines when creation

    Improvement of Forecast creation, now allowing the user to record data on header and automatically copy that to line level. #3041

  • C_Bpartner: new Additional fields

    New pharmacy specific Fields in Business Partner Window. #3042

  • Purchase candidates: document references

    Improvement of the generation of Manufacturing Orders via Materialdispo lines. #3064

  • de_metas_purchasecandidate schema containing some diagnosis views

    Adding diagnosis views to purchase candidates DB Schema. #3072

  • HU planned after Purchase Order, destroyed after material receipt

    Improvement of Handling Unit behavior after Purchase Order before Material Receipt. Now not preparing Handling Units anymore. #3086

  • Activity ID in Purchase Orderline Grid View

    New field in purchase orderline, allowing to see and maintain the activity in grid view. #3094

  • WebUI: new Window for AD_Session in WebUI

    New window for session audit in webui, allowing to view session and login information. #3095

  • Disable MStorage.add

    Switching off Legacy M_Storage. #3117

  • Implement Batch entry in Forecast Window

    New Batch entry functionality in Forecast Window, allowing the rcording of Forecasts much faster. #699

  • Backend Logic for new Date Filter Widget

    Implementation of the Backend Logic for the new Date Filter Widget. #705

  • DateTimeRangePicker default Time from/to in Filter and Process Parms

    Improving the DateRange Picker Filter widget. Now seetting the initial date and time to the whole day of today. #1354

  • Don't use the legacy view attributes API

    Frontend Improvement, now not using the lagacy API view for attributes anymore. #1357

  • New widget for date filtering

    New Filter widget, that allows to navigate date & date/time filter settings in lower or higher steps. #1387


We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.

  • Product: New Field Endcustomer productname and translation

    Adding new fields for endcustomer productname for product labels and translation. #2946

  • Tab Org Access not working in WebUI because of missing primary key

    Adding a primary Key to Orgaccess Table, allowing to create records in User Window subtab. #2977

  • PP Order not shown in materialdispo although automatically generated

    Fix for PP Orders, now shown in materialdispo too when automatically generated. #3065

  • Get rid of group columns in new window for procurement stock count

    Adjusting the window Purchase Stock Control and adding Translation for en_US. #3087

  • TypedSqlQuery Bugs because aggregateList method ignores order

    Now allowing to use OrderBy in TypedSQLQuery. #3060

  • Error: Could not find or load main class ${argLine}

    Internal housekeeping issue, fixing the local build of metasfresh from command line. #3073

  • Transform in material receipt left destroyed HU behind

    Fix for the Transformation action in handling unit Editor, now undisplaying the destroyed HU after Transformation. #3088

  • Not able to start report service with ReportServiceMain.launch

    Internal Housekeeping Task allowing to start the report service now with ReportServiceMain.launch. #3089

  • Qtydelivered in PMM_Balance gets doubled

    Fix for the Procurement disposition, now not doubleing the PMM Balance anymore. #3128

  • View attributes shall be refreshed when the current selected row is refreshed

    Fixed the Frontend refresh of the attributes view. #1367

  • “Lookup

    “ title_color=““ text_color=““ graphic=“icon“ graphic_size=“60px“ graphic_shape=“circle“ graphic_color=“#ffffff“ graphic_bg_color=“hsl(88, 65%, 44%)“ align_h=“left“ align_v=“top“ side_graphic_spacing=“20px“ max_width=“none“ child=“true“ connector_width=“1px“ connector_style=“dashed“ connector_color=“#272727″ link_text=“#1405″ href=“″ href_title=““ href_target=“blank“ link_color=““ graphic_icon=“bug“]Fix for dropdown lists in Lookupds when confirming a selection with enter/ cr.


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About the Author

Mark Krake


Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.

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