Release 5.45

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes

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Our development this week was focused on the main topics Paperless Credit Limit and the Implementation of the Datev Export Funtionality.

All Contributors, thanks a lot for your great effort.
metasfresh 5.45 is out!

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We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.

  • Vendor Invoice Layout and Translations in WebUI Improvements

    Adds Translations and Layout Impovement to Purchase Invoice window. #2777

  • Distribution Order/ Movement after Material Receipt

    Adds an automatism Functionality to Product Plannung. Allows to automatically create Distribution Orders to bring received goods to their locators after material receipt. #3409

  • Credit Limit check in Sales Order

    New Functionality in Sales Order, now checking the customers credit limit when completing the Order. #3414

  • MSV3 handle deviating response from remote MSV3 server

    Improved communication between MSV3 Server and response presentation to the user. #3437

  • Extract esb code into dedicated repo

    Internal housekeeping improvement, moving the code for enterprise service bus to dedicated repository. #3451

  • Improve performance around update_trl_tables_on_ad_element_trl_update

    Performance Improvement of the Translation update mechanisms. #3457

  • Force refreshing virtual column CreditLimitIndicator from C_BPartner

    Now allowing a just in time refresh of the credit limit indicator in Business Partner Window. #3481

  • Default Value for process create order from quotation

    Adds default parms to the create order from quotation process/ action. #3483

  • Paperless Credit Limit approval

    Improved workflow for the credit limit approval. Now the responsible user receives a notification as soon a credit limit shall be approved. #3490

  • Default Filter Improvements

    Adds various Filter criteria to default window filter lists. #3502

  • Improvement of Procurement Candidates

    Usability Improvement of the procurement Planning window. Rearranged fields for better visibility. #3505

  • Implement DATEV export window

    New window and Fucntionality in WebUI that allows to export the Accountings in metasfresh to Datev. #3508

  • Virtual field from header doc shall be refreshed when one of the included row is changed

    Just-in-time update of the windows content for Virtual columns. #851

  • Automatic group creation in sales order lines

    New automatic grouping functionality in sales orderlines. #853

  • If the window is missing from menu render it's name in breadcrumb

    Window Breadcrumb improvement, now showing the windoowname of windows that were reached via zoom and are not in menu yet. #854

  • Add Enzyme to test setup

    Extending our Test Framework with Enzyme. #1596


We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.

  • Invoice candidate: The isRecompute flag is not reseted on N ever

    Fix for invoice Candidates, now not recomputing anymore when candidates are processed. #3216

  • SQL Exception in Window Entity Type

    Fixes a SQL Exception that occurred in Entity Type window. #3357

  • Window Role Tab User Access shows non systemusers

    Fixes the Subtab for Tab User Access in Role window. Now only showing available Systemusers. #3365

  • Material Disposition automatic entries missing for DD/ PP Orders

    Fixes the creation of Distribution and Manufacturing Orders in material Disposition. #3486

  • Cannot create manual invoice

    Fixes the functionality to create manual Invoices. #3499

  • Exception with CreditStatus in some data constellations

    Minor Bugfixes for the new credit status functionality. #3521

  • Cache issue in shipment schedules subtab

    Fixes a cache issue in a shipment shedules included subtab. #846

  • Error in picking terminal

    Fixes a Bug that occurred in Picking terminal when picking a large amount of Handling Units. #847

  • Sorting by Virtual Column manually in webui throws error

    Fixes the possibility to order by for virtual column in grid view. #848

  • Added subrow is still/again not shown in the frontend

    Fixes the feature for included subrows and asynchronous reponse. #1592


Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! Then check out our fast evolving Documentation. You can find it here:

About the Author

Mark Krake


Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.

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