Release 5.73

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes

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Our development in this week was focused on the MSV3 Data exchange Feature for Pharma, now also enabling the usage of the older MSV3 Version 1. Additionally we have made some nice enhancements in Contract Management for Refund Contracts.

Thanks to all Contributors.
metasfresh 5.73 is out now!

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We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.

  • Refund contract - add further options

    Extended Functionality added to Refund contracts enabling enhanced calculations. #4475

  • Implement support for MSV3 version 1

    Extended MSV3 Functionality. Now allowing the usage of MSV3 version 1 too. #4511

  • Don't create subscription shipment schedules for products that are no items

    Enhanced subscription handling. Not creating shipment schedules anymore for non item Products. #4521

  • WebUI Adjustments for Country, Postal and City Window

    New Window in WebUI, allowing to maintain Country, Postals and Cities. #4530

  • Set Sales Order Line's ProductDescription as Product BOM's description

    Enhanced Feature for Cable Trade Verticals. Now adding the BOM Components in Prodtct Description Field in Sales Orderline. #4535

  • Introduce AD_Table.IsEnableRemoteCacheInvalidation

    New Configuration Feture in Application dictionary. It is now possible to enable/ disable the Remote Cache Invalidation for a Table. #4536

  • Window layout API shall provide text multilineText and multilineTextLines properties

    New Multiline Fature in WebUI Frontend. When selecting grid lines with multiline Fields, than the lineheight is automatically expanded. #1032


We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.

  • Requests cannot be saved

    Fixes a Bug in Requests, now being able to save Requests again in WebUI. #4520

  • Fix problems with invoice candidate creation from subscription flatrate terms

    Bugfix in subscription contract handling, now creating corresponding invoice candidates again. #4523

  • Filter for attributes in picking terminal shall be set by default

    Bugfix for the extended User Filter Features. Now possible to set default user filter parms again. #4526

  • Invoice candiate handler BL creates lock with non-unique owner

    Internal Bugfix for the Invoice Candidate handler Business Logic. #4537

  • WebUI: New Translation Window for R_RequestType

    New Window that allows to maintain Request Type Translations in WebUI. #4538

  • Minor: error for wizard with no picture

    Fixes a Bug in Organisation Setup Wizard when no Logo Image is present. #438


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About the Author

Mark Krake


Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.

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