Release 5.79

Mark KrakeBlog, Release Notes

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This weeks Release has a lot of Improvements and some major new Functionalities. You can find details of all Release Topics in the List below.

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We have finished a few new Features for this week’s release.

  • New Picking&Packing Workflow

    Additional/ Alternative Picking and Packing Workflow. #4577

  • Order checkup with barcode report - add containers as separate fields

    Improved Barcode Support for order checkup report in Manufacturing. #4685

  • Introduce and use PInstanceId object

    Internal Improvement. New Process Instance Object. #4687

  • RabbitMQ: we shall use guest user by default

    Improved RabbitMQ usage. Now using a guest user instead of metasfresh user. #4692

  • Validate ReadonlyLogic, MandatoryLogic and DisplayLogic

    Application Dictionary improvement, now validating the entries in Readonly-, Mandatory and Display-Logic. #4693

  • Allow appending additional PDF-attachments to invoice-PDF

    Extension of the Invoice PDF Document creation. Now it’s possible to append an already created PDF to the Invoice PDF. #4700

  • Frontend shall ALWAYS use server's time zone

    Switching the frontend behavior, now always using the Server’s timezone. #1933

  • View: don't open row details if it's not allowed

    Enhancement of frontend row open behavior. It’s possible to define if a row shall be opened or not via doubleclick. #2013

  • View editing: fetch quickActions after PATCH /edit

    Internal, general enhancement of the fetching of Quick Actions. #2020

  • Support XML invoice

    Implementation of the XML invoice for swiss healthcare document transactions. #4621

  • WebUI: Add missing Translations for en_US in Businesspartner Window

    Switched Translations to ad_element for Business Partner Window. #4653

  • Show the Product No of Vendor in Purchase Order

    Adjustment of the Purchase Order Document, now showing the Vendor Product No instead of the own Product No on Purchase Order Document. #4665

  • nlarge AD_Process.SQLStatement to fit large SQL queries

    Resizing the Process SQL Statement to allow large SQL Queries. #4673

  • Enable zoom to invoice candidates

    Enables the Zoom to Reference for Invoice Candidates. #4677

  • Sales order based process for contract extension

    New Process that allows to extend contracts and update the contract status tp show active, prolonged and cancelled contracts. #4547

  • New API for the Created and Updated Infos for a selected record. #1033

  • Include internalName in JSONDocumentAction

    Includes the Internal Name (window and tabs) to WebUI Frontend. These names can be used for automated frontend tests. #1055

  • Implement REST endpoints for managing migration scripts

    New Functionality, that allows the creation of migration scripts via WebUI Frontend. #1072

  • View: have a way to define if views support opening row details

    Internal improvement of the opening of rows in WebUI frontend. Now the backend tells how to behave in such cases. #1069

  • Hourglass Overlay for pending Posts

    Now showing a Loading indicator for windows with a large amount of records, to indicate about waiting time. #1989

  • Allow decimal comma in Qty Fields

    New Number component that allows to record numbers with decimal point or comma. #2005

  • Views: Automatically remove view rows if GET /byIds it's not returning the row(s) frontend asked for

    Improvement in Frontend, removing rows automatically when API does not return them. #2009

  • Views: refresh `quickActions` after `GET /byIds`

    Improvement in Frontend, now refreshing quickactions after row changes. #2014


We have got rid of the following Bugs in this Release.

  • Performance bottleneck at Cache Invalidation

    Improvement of Cache invalidation, removing a performance bottleneck. #4177

  • AD Element Translations leads to wrong fieldname Translations

    Fixes the Translation update mechanism via Application Dictionary System Elements. #4652

  • hipment Schedule does not set QtyToDeliver properly

    Fix for Shipment Schedule. Now updateing the Quantity to deliver properly for product entries with isStocked = N masterdata configuration. #4683

  • Follow up #4552 AD_User is wrong in shipment schedule when using isDropShip

    Further improvement of the Shipment Contact in Document Address generation in Sales Order Confirmation. #4696

  • Swing Picking Terminal: cannot write upper/lower case passwords when logging to Swing Picking Terminal

    Bugfix for the Pciking Terminal in Swing Client. Now it’s possible to login with upper and lowercase password elements again. #4704

  • Time switches when setting Preparation Date-Time

    Improvement in WebUI Frontend for the Date and Timezone relevant data entries. #1064

  • Process picking action not working

    Bugfix in Picking workflow, now it’s possible to Use the Process picking action again. #1074

  • Unpick action not working

    Bugfix in Picking workflow, now it’s possible to Use the Unpick action again. #1075

  • Fix for the Sales Order creation. #1076

  • Modal view: fetch quickActions on open; fetch quickActions when no selection

    Improvement in WebuI Frontend when fetching Quickactions without selected rows. #2021

  • Errors when opening table views

    Improving the Handling of missing data in WebUI Frontend. #2030

  • WebUI Picking does not return filtered HU for selection

    Bugfix in Picking Terminal, when not returning the filtered Handling Unit although selected via Parameter. #4671

  • Attributes Filter in Picking shall work on load as before

    Bugfix in Picking Terminal for Quick Actions not shown on load. #1067

  • Fixes an issue in Orderline creation using „Add new“ line action. #1067

  • Indicator bar not visible

    Bugfix and Improvement for the Save Status Indicator. #2016


Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP! Then check out our fast evolving Documentation. You can find it here:

About the Author

Mark Krake


Co-founder & Managing Director of metas GmbH. Perpetual innovator and continuous community worker of metasfresh ERP. Free Software, Open Source and UX enthusiast.

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