Release 5.126

Kay KostelnikBlog, Release Notes

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As autumn progresses, the days gradually become shorter, especially since the return to standard time, the trees have lost most of their leaves by now and the colorful season is starting to come to an end, leaving us with a rather barren landscape resembling a vulture’s territory that they circle around in the air searching for carrion to feast on lavishly.
Now, that’s a bit of a bleak outlook on the weeks to come, you say? Well, not if you know you can always count on our weekly releases to lighten up the days and make you feel warm all over in view of all the new features we complete and compile for you in our updates. Have a look at the list below to find out more about what was changed, improved and added to metasfresh this week and we promise you that all your concerns about woeful winter conditions will turn into pleasant anticipation of a wonderful winter wonderland.

Thanks to all Contributors. Our metasfresh Release 5.126 is ready and out!

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Features & Fixes

We have finished the following list of Features and Fixes for this week’s Release:


Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP? Then check out our fast evolving Documentation! You can find it right here:

About the Author

Kay Kostelnik


Technical Writer and Documentation Editor at metas GmbH.

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