Release 5.151

Kay KostelnikBlog, Release Notes

metasfresh ERP Release 5.151 -

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„Do or do not. There is no try.“ — Sitting in a tree like that, this tiny tarsier reminds us of Yoda who spoke these wise words. Whether this little saucer-eyed creature was the inspiration for the Jedi master, we may never know for sure but one thing is certain and that’s the truth behind his wisdom.

So this past week we continued doing our best to enhance our ERP system and bring new features to metasfresh for the benefit of your business. Welcome you are to take a look at this week’s release issues below and free you may feel to add the new features and fixes to your own metasfresh ERP — because our open-source mindset follows the same principle as taught by the old, wise mentor from the Star Wars universe: Always pass on what you have learned.

Thanks to all Contributors. Our metasfresh Release 5.151 is ready and out!

Would you like to join us? We’re happy to welcome you in our community. Come visit us in our Community Forum for discussions and exchange of new insights. We look forward to meeting you!

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Features & Fixes

We have finished the following list of Features and Fixes for this week’s Release:

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Do you want to learn more about the functionalities of metasfresh ERP? Then check out our fast evolving documentation! You can find it right here:

About the Author

Kay Kostelnik


Technical Writer and Documentation Editor at metas GmbH.

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